Hey Kids!
Abracadabra Rabbit has picked YOU to be his magical sidekick - all you need is the Magic Hat and a big sprinkle of imagination.

Throw ordinary objects into the Magic Hat and KA-POW, a very silly creature will appear - melty ice cream robots, loopy bicycle monsters, oozy pizza critters and more. Once you’ve created your own creature in the Magic Hat, bring it to life with a tap, a swipe, a twoddle or a swizzle. Explore the many exciting things the Magic Hat creatures can do.

Hey Parents!
- Kid-approved by our rambunctious team of tiny beta testers
- Ranks high on the Giggle Scale
- Built to be imagination-boosting and exploration-encouraging
- No wrong way to play
- Intuitive enough for kids under 5
- Captivating enough for ages 0 to 100